So, it looks like I have been unofficially into the Sunday Night Dinner Crew with Ted and his friends. This week our restaurant of choice was the Applebee’s. Of course, I live in Terre Haute now and the only restaurant open on a Sunday night would be a mediocre chain restaurant. Without getting into it too much, I just want to let you know that I absolutely loathe Applebee’s. No. Me. Gusta.
While Ted played words with friends, CB and I talked about Doctor Who (what else is there?). Sitting next to him, I was working hard not to show my irritation at him and my sadness that Bret didn’t join us.
I like Bret the best. Not just because of his accent, he is just the most normal out of the three and he actually seems rational.
I decided that I liked hanging out with Bret and CB much better than I liked hanging out with Ted. I find it funny, because in the beginning, CB annoyed the hell out of me and I worked hard to find him tolerable. It helps that we can talk about nerd stuff and he acknowledges that I am in fact a superior being when it comes to knowledge of all things television.
Yes, I realize that this is why I am probably still single.
I also realize that I am hanging out with boys again, something I told myself I wouldn’t do anymore. I have enough guy friends and I am trying to change my ways. I have a ton more in common with guys and I may or may not act like a man sometimes. (What? Fart jokes are funny!) I have been a tomboy my entire life and a well dressed one at that. My mom always dressed me in nice clothes and was mortified when I came home with scraped knees and leaves in my hair from climbing trees and making mud pies. I also could leave my older boy cousins in my dust while wearing dress shoes-- a skill that has transferred to being able to successfully run for a city bus while wearing 5 inch heels.
I just realized that I will never have a chance to do that in Terre Haute . My feet are singing joyful songs, but my heart just got a little sad.
Anyways, not that Ted, CB and Bret are going to be my new guy friends, but it is a possibility especially now that I have ruled them out as potentials. Bret is married to Daphne, CB is cool and we can be nerds, but he…is a nerd, and not in a good way.
Then there’s Ted.
Oh, Ted. I remember the time when he and I went on a pseudo-date and was hoping that he would ask for my number. Oh how we grow and change over the course of two months, especially with an emancipation thrown in there for good measure and clearer vision. This particular outing cemented just how much things were not going to go anywhere with us in anyway shape or form. He didn’t do anything wrong or wear a hideous shirt this time around, he was just himself.
I don't think that I really want to get to know him any better. I think that he is a little into himself and lacks a filter.
OK, I know that my filter is clogged and possibly in need of changing (maybe in 3,000 miles?), but I have one. When we went out a few months back, I found out that his parents were divorced and his brother and sisters were lost souls and other random facts about his family that I won't share and didn't need to hear.
He also manages to only start conversations on things in which he feels intellectually superior.
Because he has to be the smartest person in the room. All the damn time!
He’s a bookish bully.
He corrects other people’s grammar and pronunciation and I am sure that if he read this blog I would get a copy of my latest entry in my mailbox with red pen all over it. I have no desire to have an intellectual conversation with him because his need to be the smartest isn't the worst thing. The fact he won’t even allow you to be a close second is more concerning.
Sidebar to Ted:
So sorry, Dude. It must be so hard on you to know everything. I imagine it to be a lot like Superman. You know, how he is the only one in the world that can hear cries for help and has to choose who he saves. Sucks to be you...
I know I'm being horrible and I know he's not a bad guy. My irritation may stem from the fact that his book bullying reminds me of Ralph and I am just taking it out on him. I am sure that I would come around if I give him more of a chance. I mean, look at me and CB. We are totally nerd friends and we have things in common and we may find it amusing that Ted has no idea what we are talking about when we say "Don't. Blink." in cautious and terrified tones. (DW Season 3, Episode 10)
I want to hang out with these guys (at least two of them) on Sunday nights and now I am looking to find a way to make Ted tolerable in order to make it possible.
The whole reason I am hanging out with these guys in the first place. How the tables have turned...