OK, breathe.
We are about a week and a half into Lent and I am sucking at it!
Well, maybe not sucking, but it could be a lot better. If you remember, Lent is so much better than Advent as I am more hopeful and life is generally better in the Springtime. I haven't given anything up for Lent since college, instead, I make Lenten promises that make me a better person. There was one year I gave up being late and to keep me on track, I had to donate one of my things for every minute I was late...it got to be a real challenge after I'd gotten rid of the things I didn't particularly care for and I found my self getting ready for Easter Vigil with few options. The only thing that got better that year was my wardrobe...I had some snazzy new duds by Divine Mercy Sunday.
Holy shit! There was also the year I decided to stop swearing.
It didn't work.
There were some good years in there too, like the one when I was discerning the sisterhood and decided to include daily mass into my life. Best. Decision. Ever. I try super hard to make it 3-4 times a week and I can definitely tell the difference when I don't. Others can as well, they just don't know that I am crabby and off center because I've failed to get my Jesus on!
This Lent, I am striving for the ultimate Lainie personality improvement: I am finishing everything I start. If I start something this Lent, I am gonna finish it! I am even going to complete the things I my have started long ago and left by the wayside. That means my sister is gonna get that scarf, all the things in the corner of my office will find a home, my car will get cleaned (I started to a few months back and I think I will feel good about the accomplishment!), and no matter how long ago or irrelevant I may feel they are now, I will finish every post I started!
You dear reader, are in for a treat! I may not remember what message I meant to convey that one time I was stuck in line behind that guy, but for you (well, and Jesus), I will figure it out.
I don't know what this will mean for my self improvement, but this is one year where I really want to succeed.
Wish me lu-
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