Friday, May 10, 2013


Ok, one thing I haven't mentioned that much are the trains.  The trains are just AWFUL! I have been stuck at this train for a half an hour now. While I appreciate the downtime, my boss at the mall is going to start to get peeved if I don't show up to work soon. 

They always seem to show up at the most inopportune times, like when I am running late for work or a movie or when I have to pee.

As I sit here eating milk duds and listening to showtunes,  it doesn't seem so bad. I have the windows down and the weather's nice so I am going to enjoy the remaining moments of peace until I have to paste a smile on my face while helping last minute shoppers look for Mother's Day gifts. 

When I first moved here, I remember telling my teens that I have started to get "trained" all the time and I never know what to do. One of them turned bright red and said "No, Lainie, no! Who else have you said the to?"

"I don't know, anyone else I talk to, I guess. "

He violently shook his head and looked to his friend for guidance. Sensing my confusion he tried to explain in the most appropriate way that saying I get "trained" all the time is like telling people that I get gang-banged on a regular basis.

Poor guy. No kid should ever have to tell an adult that they sound like a slut.

I learned a new word that day: railroaded.

Looks like the train is moving so I will get on my way to selling moderately priced is my calling for one more day.

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