So I have been having some car drama for the last month and I have been making my way around Terre Haute in every way imaginable.
Trixie and I are in the show together so I haven't had a hard time getting home from rehearsal if I needed a ride. (Love you, Trix!) But because she doesn't live or work with me, I have to live up to my personal motto and make it happen. I knew that I wouldn't really have a problem.
At least I knew I wouldn't have a problem getting around.
The Nosy Nellies are a problem all on their own.
For some reason, I thought my not driving would not be a big deal. Apparently, I have forgotten that I am super noticeable and for some reason everything I do is every one's business. It has been a year, I would have thought the newness would have worn off by now, but all modes of transit have raised questions and the tongues, they are a-waggin'!
I ride my bike most days and it has not been glamorous. I show up to work sweating despite my wearing air wicking clothes underneath work clothes. My hair has been in a bun and I am hauling a backpack everywhere I go. What am I, 25? I haven't worn a backpack in seven years (except for that time I went to the Amazon...but then again, I was in the Amazon) and choose to be a bit more stylish. It has gotten to the point where if I showed up anywhere bone dry with makeup on, everyone was wondering what event I just came from or "oh, is your car working now?". Despite the style deficit, I think the bike has been my favorite option because it positively effects Future Hot Body Lainie and it has allowed Brad to flirt with me after rehearsal. (Squee!)
It started when a few members of the cast were worried about my riding home after dark and I was all whatever, I will be just fine and that was when Brad said, "I don't know if you were hoping, but I don't have a trunk big enough for your bike." And we just roared with laughter while others were confused. (If you are also confused, Netflix 40 Year-Old Virgin) That was when we realized that we have the same ridiculous sense of humor and he became more than just a pretty face. We also did this bit where when I hopped in my bike to ride home he would push me while saying "you can do it!" or "keep pedaling" while I would break free and say "I did it! I'm riding my bike!" and he would spout words of encouragement until I rounded the corner. cute are we?
I have also taken to walking places. I love it, it makes me feel like I live in an actual city again. I have been able to discover things that normally pass up when in a moving vehicle or riding a bike. I noticed a music store a block away from the community theatre and I think that I might finally take those guitar lessons that are a year overdue. I also had a chance to (finally) stop in Clabber Girl and have a cup of coffee and on my way to work, I saw this:
There is a street downtown that has all of these great sayings about life, love and adventure and if I were driving around this town, I would have missed it. I especially needed it that day, because life has been crazy and I was hating the world at that particular moment. Seeing that in the sidewalk made laugh and think "God is good" and went on about my day feeling much better.
Two weeks ago, I finally allowed myself to discover the Terre Haute City Bus System. Though it it is not incredibly complicated and sort of user friendly, it is no CTA. Buses only come once an hour and you have to plan to show up ten minutes before and stay ten minutes after the scheduled time. They also only come from the transit center downtown and unless you spend hours studying the schedules and maps, you can only transfer buses from the transit center where my options are either wait 35-40 minutes for the next bus or walk the three miles home and arrive before the bus did.
I often made decision based on my level of tiredness and/or how it would positively effect Future Hot Body Lainie (she is starting to make an appearance!). I usually opt to walk, but the days that I decide I am too tired to walk more, I subject my self to a double dose of the Haute mess that is this town I call home.
All kinds of people ride the bus and it is not necessarily the best kind.
Coming from a city, I am used to all types of people on public transit. it is entirely possible that a businessman could ride the bus or train sitting next to a struggling single mom with a homeless man sitting across the aisle and no one would blink an eye. Mush less, notice one harmless Lainie Mac that is trying to get to her second job at the mall.
Not so. I stick out like a sore thumb.
It took me a few bus rides to figure out why I got curious glances every so often and why everyone either looked a bit down and out or that they were under the age of 20.
It is because most of the people that ride the bus are those that are a bit down and out or in college. There is no room for the likes of me on public transit. People have actually been a bit mortified when I told them I was riding the bus. Just about as mortified as when I told them that I shop at thrift choice.
I am learning that although this town does not have big city standards and I definitely have learned to deal with what is lacking, the people here do have standards and expectations for people they think to be "normal." Trish and Sassy had to explain to me a while back that doing things like shopping at thrift stores will make people think that I have to shop at a thrift store and according to the Terre Haute community, only certain people shop at thrift stores and some people may wonder about me. The same goes for my alternate modes of transportation.
I may have caused chatter among all of the places where I work and the community I serve. Some of them have been curious and are discreet enough to make a comment about how great it is that I am riding my bike. They are sure that I am getting great exercise, but when it gets cold I will surely be driving...right? Or, "I saw you walking yesterday. Is everything OK?" When they say that, I have to laugh because if they were really that concerned, they would have pulled over, asked me then if I were OK and offered me a ride.And some of them are direct and are all "Where is your car?"
For sure, I am not that exciting or that I am not the first person they know to have car issues. I am also sure that they own a bicycle and a pair of feet so this shouldn't be so foreign. I actually don't know why I am so irritated, I just know that I am.
I can't stand when people are all up in my business and I haven't invited them. I had been hoping the fact they know I am from a major city and have been slow to letting go of my "Big City Ways" would keep them from questioning, but it has been a good excuse. "All of this makes me feel like I am back home," I say without directly answering their question. Which most likely is equal parts frustrating and fascinating to them, but I don't care. I like to keep Hautians on their toes and out of my face.
I just know I will get another round of questions once everyone sees me driving again.
It makes me frustrated for you that people have this attitude, but (excuse me if I sound ignorant) it only really makes you more special and the person YOU ARE. This makes you versatile and more valuable.
ReplyDeleteJust saying. ;)
Wait. What's a BIKE?
ReplyDeleteHA. Just kidding!!
Be who you are because you are wonderful. Your friend up there ^^ said it wonderfully.