Thursday, May 9, 2013

Friends in Low Places

Prue wasn't taking no for an answer.

After spending an hour and half in my car trying to stop crying earlier tonight, I drove to Cheeseburger In Paradise to meet the girls for karaoke. I pulled into my parking spot and wiped frantically at my eyes  and decided that maybe I wouldn't go in tonight and was ready to head home when CeeCee pulled up right next to me.

She comforted me for a while and then agreed when I told her I was gonna go home. I asked her to get Prue so that I could see her before I left and that was my first mistake.

When she walked to my car, Prue looked like a woman on a mission and if I were smart, I should have hit the gas and I would for sure be spending an evening at home.

Prue had other ideas.

In the time it took her to walk out to my car, she had convinced CeeCee that the best place for me to be was with friends and like I said, she was not taking no for an answer.

Once inside, I did have a good time. It didn't take my mind off Isaiah and all the things going on with me, it did make me feel better.

We spent our time being karaoke regulars (which is much cooler than it sounds), complete with laying claim to songs, swooning over the group that comes in every week to sing boy band songs and commenting on the vocal improvement our fellow singers have made over the last six months.

By 10 o'clock, we were treated to the rhythmic stylings of an incredibly awkward girl that may have been drunk. Then we named her Drawkward.

I laughed for the first time in at least a week. And I laughed a lot.

I even played the part of Drawkward when her and some friends sang "Fantastic Voyage" while trying not to laugh. CeeCee wasn't so lucky. She cried her eyes out from laughing by the time I got back to the table.

By the time I got in my car to drive home, I had a smile on my face and I was singing under my breathe.

Though Drawkward helped, having friends that know what I need may have just made my week.

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